hahaa..it's have been awhile since my last post to this blog.emm, i need to remind myself that i have blog that needs to be updated. yeahh.this blog is dedicated for myself as an online notes about things related to my lifes,works,etc..etc. so just a long update for this post, ohh wait, i'll try to make it short.
1.this blog have nothing todo with other ppls, company..etc..etc.it;s my personal thoughts, opinions and views.[disclaimer]
2. my previous notebook,acer have been sent over to service center again. this time, my hardisk gone crazy. lucky for me to have frenz which working in forensic stuffs. by using their gadgets, we managed to save almost have of my precious datas,hahah..
3.Got a brand new dell xps m1210. this sexy machine is running gentoo linux. yehh..gentoo roxx.:D. no offends to other distros, since i'm using fedora 6 at desktop home pc, debian as my main linux on vmware server, freebsd as my home machine and openbsd as my lame router at home.:D. OSS rulez!!!, that's for sure. since this machine have pre-installed with vista [w0w..w0w], i got a chance to play with it for awhile. maybe because of 'home edition' a few of softwares can't operate and running well on it. nokia pc suite,dap, gaim, vpn client (cisco), thunderbird, open office (to name a few) just can't worked well with my machine. there;re always problems with these software. emm,security features on vista are quite good. kudos to microsoft for trying to create a better OS.:D
4.emm, having upgrade for fedora linux from fedora 4 to fedora 6. already took 2 weeks to get completed. demm. just to share a tips. for everytimes we want to upgrade please issue this command:
shell>yum clean all
please remove old kernels which are no longer needed.
shell>yum -y update
shell>rpm -qa | grep kernel
shell>rpm -e kernel.old.x.x.x.
shell>rpm -Uvh http://link.to.latest.fedora.x.x.release.rpm
shell>yum clean all
shell>yum -y update
5.i'm blogging now thru 3G network by using nokia N80 as my moderm.hehe.i'm using the N80 inside windows xp with vmware inside gentoo.hahhaa.crazy huhh..?.i'll provide the simple howto how to enable it.
6.i;m now an active irc user but not an active ppl on channel.hehehe. if u see me on any channel, just say hi.:D..
7.*sighhh*..thinking of to sign out. hehe..hopefully i will try to update more often after this.:D
signing of,