Friday, July 07, 2006

OpenBSD: network installation thru qemu

yesterday i tried to upgrade my openbsd 3.8 virtual machine running on qemu inside gentoo box. after reading a couples of docs/howto, i'm ready to give my openbsd3.8 an upgrade.goshh!!, cvs port is closed.demm.i had no choice now.since on official openbsd faq/doc recommanded to always install a brand new release with fresh install,i go for it.aha, now, waiting to my notebook done downloading all openbsd files to make iso cd,i getting tired. my stomach cry asking to be feed.:(.so, i decided to just install thru, i just download a file called floopy39.fs. then i create an image file for new openbsd installation.ohh,wait! i need to create a bootable floopy disk first.but i didn't have a floopy drive. thanx to qemu for allowing us to pass any bootable files to be boot. i create an image file for bootable floopy and copy all contents from floopy39.fs into it.

root@vm>qemu-img create openbsdfloopy.iso 2M
root@vm>dd if=floopy39.fs of=openbsdfloopy.iso

next is to create my installation file for openbsd3.9

root@vm>qemu-img create -f qcow openbsd3-9.iso 6G

then, i fired my qemu up to boot from openbsdfloopy.iso to install openbsd thru network.
root@vm>qemu -fda openbsdfloopy.iso -hda openbsd3-9.iso -m 64 -user-net -boot a

aha, more quicker actually compare with downloading openbsd files to convert them to iso. when installing openbsd, i picked network installation thru http by using mirror from japan{}.you can read more details on installation openbsd thru openbsd official docs page.:D.nah, i can go for dinner now and just let openbsd finish up for the rest.:D.

today, i issued command 'uname -a' on my vm, and i got:

OpenBSD 3.9 GENERIC#XXX i386

ahaa,, today i just installing a few network tools likes honeyd, snort and etc..etc.upps, i also need fluxbox and ease my daily need.:D.
ohh,one more thing.please buy an original cd from haven't got mine.:(.

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